Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can!

My friend Melisa has three boys who are musically talented. Well-meaning adults are always suggesting they sing this song or that - or that they go here or there to perform in all sorts of venues, from church suppers to senior citizens centers and more. When their guitar coach hears of these "gigs," he gets out his imaginary guns and starts "shooting" at the floor toward their feet, as in "let's see how fast you can dance!"

Today was just such a day for me. I was showered and almost dressed to go get my grandmother for her 1:30 p.m. beauty shop appointment. Around 12:15, the phone rings, and my grandmother says, "I can't go to the beauty shop today." "Okay... are you sick?" "No," she says, "Pat (the hairdresser) called, and there's a water line break, and she doesn't have any water at the shop." I told her that was too bad, and she added, "...tomorrow at 3:30." "Your appointment is rescheduled for tomorrow at 3:30?" "Yes," she tells me. I mulled that a couple of seconds and said, "Well, I think I can make that work." (Not that she had asked!) She answered, "Well, if you can't, that'll be okay..." (her voice trailing off here) "No," I told her, "I can make that work... it will be fine." I asked if she needed groceries before then, and she said no, she was out of milk but could manage until tomorrow.

I changed my clothes, informed my husband I was NOT going anywhere today, and began to think about what project to start next - maybe ironing? The phone rings, and it's my grandmother again. "Pat called back... the Water Department is working to piece a line together for her, and she said to come on." "So you want to go today?" "Yes." So I put changed BACK into my nicer clothes, told my husband of the plan change, and gathered my things to go to town.

I honestly didn't mind - and I was dressed and ready (well, twice) - but it was amazing how much could transpire in the course of about 15 minutes... and how it didn't seem to register with my grandmother that these changes were any big deal. And I know it made things easier for the hairdresser to be able to continue her day, but a lot of her little ladies rely on someone else to get them to her shop and home... and changing plans midstream affects MANY people! So today, I felt like somebody had a gun shooting at my feet, saying, "Let's see how fast YOU can dance!" At least I knew Mam-ma wouldn't beat me back to Wal-Mart today... 1) I didn't return, and 2) her friend Ruby (who does the driving) is under the weather.

Mam-ma's grocery list today: 1 quart of whole milk, vanilla ice cream, 1 can of sauerkraut, a head of cabbage, a 3-way light bulb, and a box of GAIN detergent. I didn't ask what she is cooking - I don't think I have EVER bought her kraut, although she always canned her own and kept dozens of jars of kraut in her root cellar when I was a child. She sent home 1/4 of a chocolate pie for my husband... it looks delicious. (I'm allergic to chocolate!) She was very upset with a "silly rabbit" who has eaten all but one of her green bean vines down to almost the ground. If she gets half a chance, he may be the feature of a stew with kraut!

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