Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tell Me Again Why I Shop?

Today I picked up my grandmother for her beauty shop appointment, and she had a grocery list for me: milk, buttermilk, 2 dozen eggs, bacon, 2 cans of tuna, frozen pie crusts, and a big bag of bite-sized Three Musketeers bars. She had telephoned two nights ago to tell me she wanted me to buy another pre-quilted panel for her to bind to make a baby quilt for a cousin who is expecting later this summer.

So we got in the car, and she said, "When I get back, me and Ruby are going to Wal-Mart and just 'jaggin' around.'" I have absolutely no idea what that means, exactly. She added, "That is... if Ruby feels like it... she's been fogged out lately." Again, I'm not clear on the meaning of these terms! So I suggested that she get her own baby blanket panel, since I often do not please her with such selections. (I didn't put it exactly that way to her, but I told her she knew better what she wanted than I.) She agreed, and I marked it off of MY list.

We got a few blocks further, and she said, "... and I need new drapes in my bedroom." I suggested she look for some at Wal-Mart and use some of her stimulus money for them. She went on to explain that the curtains had been in the house for over 20 years, and ever since Ruby redecorated her bedroom last summer, she had thought that her drapes looked terrible. Again, I suggested she buy new ones.

I bought the groceries, and Mam-ma got her hair done. When we got home, she promptly called Ruby and told her, "I'm back and ready!" Ruby said it would take 30 minutes or so. I sat down to dispense my grandmother's medicine. Then we looked at the bedroom drapery and discussed what she needed... AND... she added that she also needed a new window shade for another bedroom window. I told her again... "you're going to Wal-Mart - get that, too!"

So I left and returned to Wal-Mart to buy our groceries. I was pushing the cart down an aisle, and I looked up to see my grandmother pass at the end, pushing a cart of her own! Those ladies almost beat me there! I go to Wal-Mart once a week, generally. They go nearly every day. So I have to ask again, WHY am I buying groceries for her? Actually, Ruby has asked the same question. My grandmother's "excuse" is that she can't carry heavy things, like a box of detergent or a bag of sugar. Ruby's reply... "I don't know why that matters. When we shop together, I always carry her groceries for her." Did I mention that Ruby is NINETY?

I'm hoping that Mam-ma got the quilt panel and the drapery. It might be asking to much to think she also got a window shade! As I was leaving, she walked me to the door. She spied a baby rabbit out in her yard, munching on some grass at the edge of her flower bed, and before I could blink, she shot down three steps and across her garage and out toward that bunny, shooing him away. She was muttering, "If I just had a rock..." Nobody messes with Mam-ma's flowers - not even a hungry baby bunny! She said they have eaten her green bean plants in the garden... I told her that's because they can't open the cans like she can! I don't think she liked that.

Oh, well... maybe she bought green beans at Wal-Mart today, too.

BTW... I asked about the new neighbor... Mam-ma said, "Well, I haven't seen her much - I went over there the other morning, and she was still in her pajamas. I guess I won't go visit her that early again." I laughed and said, "Yes, some of us don't get up very early in the morning," to which she added, "Well that's the truth!" I can only imagine how early she dropped in. Poor neighbor lady!

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